The below video is from a cooking show taped in the late 1980's whilst Marco Pierre White was shaking the culinary establishment by way of his restaurant called Harvey's. I find it absolutely...awesome. Almost twenty years later, I don't find the food or techniques applied dated. Do you? Nor is the beginning theme song dated...right? I didn't think so.
Also, you catch an early, early, Gordon Ramsay in the brigade. Hilarious. One of the boys. And MPW answering the phone himself...fucking highlarious. How funny is the phone ringer.
And, to kill two birds with one stone, I'll share this interview I stumbled upon while searching for something about MPW. Link to interview here.
Fuck it...I'm gonna kill three birds with one stone and post episode 2 as well:
@1:30...awesomeness. "If you wish me to cut myself on screen, then I don't mind, I'll do it for you."
Change One Thing
10 years ago
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