The other day, I say to my friend while listening to some block rockin' beats, "I really love the Chem Bros." My friend replies, "No fucking shit." I guess everyone that knows me knows that I love The Chemical Brothers. I love them for their mentalness, their attitude towards the whole music game, and pretty much for everything go about doing their thang...blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, a personal anecdote: A truly religious experience I had was a live show of theirs that I caught in Central Park, back in '05. Absolutely stone-cold sober, I experienced the Chem Bros and left on one of the highest highs I've had to date.
(Okay, whilst looking for videos to post, I came across a quality capture of their recent live set held at Hammerstein Ballroom and it's fucking me sideways!! Fuck me...it's getting me high all over again...)
I was just going post their videos for their singles, all of which are absolutely fucking brilliant and foward...but I've got to post these live videos:
The following night, they played McCarren Pool Park. This was the last track they ended on:
They truly have left an indelible mark on me.